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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


One comment

  1. Another great then/now series of Old Montreal photos from Mr. St-Jean!

    So much history in the old view!

    Motor truck backed in at Paradis to the left.

    Cobble stone or brick street surface.

    ‘Montreal-style’ Hydrant.

    The curved portion of the sidewalk outside the entrance door appears to be faced with steel strip, common in that era. The rest of the curb is cut stone rather than poured concrete.

    Bricks or cobble stones were ‘easy’ to lay and provided ‘slots’ for horses’ shoes’ heels to grab into.

    ( Where there were Tramways tracks they allowed ready access to the rails, cross ties and roadbed. )

    Many overhead wires for many purposes, surveyed at night by the-then ubiquitous Arc street light.

    A hydrant and a man hole on the corner survived to the modern photo.

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