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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. You’re on a roll with these great high-altitude shots. Keep it up!

  2. I’d like to blow up that really wide 60s building that’s in the middle of the picture.

  3. Don’t worry, the plan is for the entire 60’s facade to be replaced in the next 5 years.

    The old JMSB building is actually going to get its equally old facade replaced soon in the new year. Should really change the look of “Quartier Concordia”

  4. Changing this monumental facade is an expensive, unnecessary make work project of the first order. If it is leaking, it can be inexpensively waterproofed. If it needs more insulation, that can be done very easily and inexpensively. The facade is a valuable part of local architectural history. Leave it alone. Concordia may not be a favourite institution for a variety of reasons; but the waste of its money hurts the disadvantaged and enriches only the already comfortable. Michael Fish

  5. Faiz – Where did you hear/see a plan to revamp the building. The only one I am aware of is the recladding of the Guy metro building.

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