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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Oy vey. With the wonderful view off the escarpment I’m seeing a condo development in our near future.

  2. Truly dégoútant :-( Très, très triste. Nothing’s sacred, not even grande, historic architecture. Grrrrr.

  3. D’un feu. Assez triste. Merde. And, now, yes, likely an overpriced, under-engineered condo complex. :-(

  4. Quel tristesse. This is a real tragedy. I remember this chapel fondly, witnessed on walks home from the downtown core.

  5. Unbelievable. I loved this place, never got a chance to inside though. The statue of St. Francis was always a tad unsettling, though the footage of the fire was definitely more haunting. Why do I have this terrible feeling this unfortunate accident will go hand in hand with the Van Horne Mansion, Ben’s, the Seville etc in the unending list of architectural and historical heritage sites left to rot and destruction.

    Man, I wish the voting public cared as much as us…

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