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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. So – did you ask those people before taking the photo? And mention you were going to put it up here?

    I mean, they’re not exactly zoo animals or random landscape details.

  2. I always see smokers gathered around the entrance to this library and I don’t like it one bit.

    I hate entering the grand bibliotheque through the cloud of cigarette smoke because they permit smokers to congregate within breathing distance of the main doors. The smokers should be 50 metres away! The present situation where the library permits smokers to sit right beside the entrance is disgusting.

    Do the big cheeses who run the library always enter through the metro or private car parking entrances and don’t see the disgusting smokey filthy mess that is their main entrance? Time to fix this problem. I know for a fact the the library security guards love to inflict rules and regulations on the visitors to the library to enforce civil behaviour.

    Seems like smoking in front of the entrance would be a good candidate for a no-smoking zone rule. It is this way on lots of other public and private buildings, bit not at ther Grande Bibliothqque, I have complained but they library doesn’t care what happens 5 feet outside their front door.

  3. In this case, because the people’s faces aren’t really identifiable (glasses, head turned, quite small), Ididn’t ask for permission.
    I have had people identify themselves in other pictures on the blog (in crowd shots, or faces not visible) and so far they have always been happy about it, but you do raise a good point.

  4. If an SUV, dump truck, minivan, etc. is allowed spew toxic fumes a few feet from my point on the sidewalk, it would be hypocritical to ask smokers to do anything less.

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