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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. ..ou el parque Jarry ou पार्क Jarry ou Πάρκο Jarry.

  2. this is a photo of one of Montreal’s all-too-rare elm trees. Most were devastated with the dutch elm disease, but a few survived, this one is one of the big ones.

    I learned about this (and this tree in particular) on an earlier feature of Spacing Montreal: Tree Tuesdays. Now I know what to look for to see an elm, which is quite a distinctive and magnificent tree.

  3. who knows why parcJARRYpark is named jarry? what about the other names of parks…interesting pieces of hsitory i guess….

  4. Lovely photo Catherine. Gives a great idea of the size of these former titans (the American elms) that guarded over every Montreal main street until the 1960s.

    The few remaining ones in Jarry Park, I believe, are leftovers from farmland.

    Bronwyn Chester
    former SpacingMontreal writer of Tree Tuesday/Le mardi des arbres
    author of Island of Trees column in Saturday Gazette.

  5. Beautiful pic!

    There are three mature elms in my immediate ‘hood, two in Parc Kent (insert Arabic, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Yiddish, Creole, Tamil, etc. versions of “parc” here) with a plaque at the base of one, commemorating a local friends of the park group, and another a couple of blocks away on avenue Decelles, près du coin d’Ellendale. I always make a point of stopping to admire them whenever not in a hurry. My family had lost all the mature ones on their property by a generation ago.

    Bronwyn, any plans for more tree walks? 

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