By Mike Bulko
25% off Montreal Metro merch this weekend
WHAT: 25% off Montreal Metro button and magnet sets WHEN: Friday, Aug 24 – Sunday, Aug 26 WHERE: COST: $18.75 buttons/$22.50 magnets...
Urban Planet Weird Wednesday: Kansas City’s Community Bookshelf
Weird Wednesdays on Urban Planet takes a look at obscure, absurd, and curious things about cities around the world. Parking garages usually don’t...
Urban Planet Weird Wednesday: That’s elephants over the bridge
Weird Wednesdays on Urban Planet takes a look at obscure, absurd, and curious things about cities around the world. One year after it was opened, the...
Urban Planet Weird Wednesday: Plan your zombie escape route
Weird Wednesdays on Urban Planet takes a look at obscure, absurd, and curious things about cities around the world. Ever visit a new city and have a hard...
Urban Planet Weird Wednesday: Hanshin Expressway
Weird Wednesdays on Urban Planet takes a look at obscure, absurd, and curious things about cities around the world. Ever heard of William...
Urban Planet Weird Wednesday: Yemen’s 16th century skyscrapers
Weird Wednesdays on Urban Planet takes a look at obscure, absurd, and curious things about cities around the world. Residential high rises weren’t...
Urban Planet Weird Wednesdays: Roadtown, history’s longest utopia
Weird Wednesdays on Urban Planet takes a look at obscure, absurd, and curious things about cities around the world. In 1910, Edgar Chambless released his...
Urban Planet Weird Wednesday: Grand Central’s dirty secret
Weird Wednesdays on Urban Planet takes a look at obscure, absurd, and curious things about cities around the world. High above commuter’s heads...