Guest photo du jour : Rosemont métro
This is the last of the series of photos by Mike Erb, a photography student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton. You can...
By Chris Erb -
Guest photo du jour : Discarded mattress
Photo by Mike Erb, a photography student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton. You can visit his photoblog at www.erbanphoto.com.
By Chris Erb -
Cyclists and their routes: McGill researchers undertake Montreal’s largest cycling study
How well does de Maisonneuve work for you? If you ride a bicycle in Montreal, you are confronted with many styles of roads and bike lanes to ride on. Some...
By Jacob Larsen -
Guest photo du jour : Skull and chainsaw
Photo by Mike Erb, a photography student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton. You can visit his photoblog at...
By Chris Erb -
Rally for community centre squat ends in eviction
Last Friday, a group called the “Centre Social Autogéré” stated their intent to occupy an abandoned building and appropriate it as an...
By Alanah Heffez -
Montage du jour : Le terrain de la place de la justice depuis la rue St-Antoine
1960-2009 Un gros merci à M. Denis Desjardins, un lecteur du blog, pour m’avoir fait parvenir cette photographie prise par son père feu M. Omer Desjardins.
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Guest photo du jour : downtown skyscrapers
Photo by Mike Erb, a photography student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton. You can visit his photoblog at www.erbanphoto.com.
By Chris Erb -
What happened to rue St-Norbert?
My friend recently picked up a copy of the book “Picture this! Posters of Social Movements in Québec (1966-2007)“. While leafing through the...
By Chris Erb -
Guest Photo du jour : Red lights
Photo by Mike Erb, a photography student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton. You can visit his photoblog at www.erbanphoto.com.
By Chris Erb -
The latest on the Lower Main
Spacing commentor Louis Rastelli called me out on this one: it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to critique the plans for 2-22 Ste-Catherine East...
By Alanah Heffez -
Guest photo du jour : La Cité balconies
Photo by Mike Erb, a photography student at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design in Fredericton. You can visit his photoblog at www.erbanphoto.com.
By Chris Erb -
Guest Photo du Jour : 80 bus
For the next seven days, the Photo du jour will feature photos of Montreal from my brother Mike Erb, a student of photography at the New Brunswick College...
By Chris Erb