Spacing Saturday: Surprise Appearances, Making Space for Recreation and a Resident’s Alliance
Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region. In the Marpole...
By Marcus Bowman -
Close a street, open a neighbourhood
August begins and construction continues on boulevard St-Joseph, preventing commuters from heading south on rue St-Urbain. The plan: Replace aging water...
By Émile Thomas -
How to Care for your Concrete City
Usually docile and well behaved, it feels like lately many of our city’s concrete beasts have turned vicious over the summer. Bridges are closed...
By Alanah Heffez -
World Wide Wednesday: Container markets, miniature cities, all-door boarding
Each week we will be focusing on blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best -
En 30 nocturnes minutes
Se rendre jouer les touristes à New York par l’autocar de nuit comme nous le fîmes il y a quelques jours occasionne trente désagréables minutes...
By Jean Desjardins -
Photo du Jour : Strike?
Photographer/Physicist-about-town, Daniel Cooper, captured this shot of a lightning bolt which appears to be smacking the BNP Paribas building on McGill...
By Spacing -
Densité urbaine, consommation et nouvelles technologies. Ou comment faire du kayak pour pas cher.
Aux nombreux avantages connus liés à la densité urbaine, ajoutez maintenant celui-ci: ce qui est à toi est à moi. Et inversement. Prenons un exemple...
By Jonathan Lapalme -
Montage du jour : L’édifice Rodier
Vers 1900-2011 Source : BANQ, Albums Massicotte
By Guillaume St-Jean -
The Regionalist: Recreation Beyond Degradation
I recently came upon a fascinating book titled “The ecological basis of planning”, which is basically a series of essays about the...
By Joel Thibert -
Montage du jour : Intersection des rues de l’inspecteur et St-Paul
1887-2011 Source : Musée McCord
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Montage du jour : Une vue vers l’est de la rue de la Commune
Vers 1960-2011 Source : ONF, La mémoire des anges
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Spacing Saturday: Urban Laneways, Rethinking Density and News Café
Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region. Spacing Vancouver...
By Marcus Bowman