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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Across the Ottawa Spaces – 13 March 2013

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Some recent items of interest:

Sarah Gelbard of YOWLab details for the Centretown BUZZ five issues that anyone in a condominium development – or planning to become part of one – should expect to face.

Kathryn Hunt covers the car usage expectations of Ottawa City Hall as they update their Official Plan.

Eric Darwin has a few thoughts on the plans for fixing up the Lebreton Flats section of Albert Street, considering all the other changes the city expects to make over the next decade. Also, some consideration for the current plans for redeveloping the neighbourhood around Bayview Station.

At Ottawa Past and Present, photographic historian Alexandre Laquerre notes the difference seventy-five years or so makes to the Justice Department Building (originally the Veterans’ Affairs Building) on Wellington Street.

Urbsite profiles the history of what’s now called the Sunburst Building at the southeast corner of Bank and Slater. As ever, there’s more than one might think.

Over at the Ottawa Citizen, David Reevely’s somewhat puzzled about plans for a parking garage in the Glebe.
