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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

TTC wants some pizzazz (and other transit stuff)

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moscoe on acid
A few items on The Better Way

1. The TTC is running a contest called Pizzazz Me! They are using TTC Chair Howard Moscoe as the face of the campaign, decking him out in some sort of Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test wardrobe. Anyway, the contest asks riders to submit their best ideas for “livening” up the TTC. You can check out their web page over here, or you can email them your ideas directly. Contest ends November 25. If we could help you with a suggestion: ask the TTC to sell Spacing‘s subway station button collection in their Gateway Newsstand stores. The TTC has not even acknowledged that the buttons exist.

2. The judges who made the decision to stop construction of the St. Clair ROW have withdrawn themselves from the case because of a perceived bias from one of the panel members. This means we are back to square one except for one niggly little difference — construction will not start up again. In fact, construction has been halted, quite possibly, until the spring.

3. The new transferable Metropass is selling like hotcakes. People have been saying for years that this would be the case, but the TTC was extremely releuctant to try anything new. I hope they are beginning to see the light. As a courtesy, we suggest buying your monthly pass a few days before the start of the next month because the TTC will only issue a certain number of the cards. The powers that be are planing on issuing 50,000 more passes starting in January.
