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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Baby on board; TTC fare hike?

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For those who take public transit regularly, you are probably familiar with people acting weird on a subway, streetcar, or bus shelter. But an unlikely scene unfolded at Wellesley station yesterday — a woman gave birth on the platform. Click here for the story.

Another oddity coming out of the TTC is talk of a fare hike. When oil prices soared last summer, public transit boosters, like us Spacing folks, silently cheered. We believed it might force drivers out of their cars and into the transit system — and it did. But gas prices also affect the TTC — in 2005, 27 million extra dollars had to be spent of fuel. So, on top of the insufficient funding for public transit from the provincial and federal governments, the TTC now has to deal with the consequences of misguided military adventures from our neighbour to the south.
