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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

The Independent City


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Our friends at Broken Pencil magazine, the Canadian indie culture standard bearer, are launching their new issue tonight with a little panel discussion at the Toronto Free Gallery . The new issue is about Canadian cities.

Broken Pencil, the magazine of zine culture and the independent arts, presents
Issue 31: The Independent City
Launching Thursday, May 4th at 7pm
Toronto Free Gallery
660 Queen St. East

This groundbreaking issue of Broken Pencil explores how independent arts and culture are starting to shape the identity of the urban environment and, in doing so, challenging the traditional role of museums, opera houses and other big cultural institutions.

Launch Party features:

Panel Discussion: Is Indie Culture the Future of the City? A discussion featuring writer Shawn Micallef, artist/curator Brenda Goldstein, author and artist R.M. Vaughn, photoblogger Matt O’Sullivan, and moderated by BP editor Anna Bowness.

Postcard Competition: Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Indie City — attendees will be given blank template postcards on which they will be invited to draw their vision for the Indie City. Postcards will be displayed on a gallery wall, and the panellists will award prizes to their faves.

Exhibit: The Centre Cannot Hold: Prospects For Suburbia — ongoing exhibit at the gallery curated by artist Brenda Goldstein.

Plus: Tunes, drinks, and hanging out with the BP editor and writers.
