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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Airstream Locations this week

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T.Ode finally launched on Friday night with a visit from the Mayor and Pier Giorgio Di Cicco, the Poet Laureate, and we have been travelling around the city since recording stories. Later today we’ll be at the Gladstone hotel. We’d happily pick people up stranded by the strike, but the Minstry of Transportation says nobody can be in the trailer when it’s moving. But if skateboarders hang on the bumper, I won’t try to shake them off. Please come by the trailer, wherever it’s parked, and have a conversation with us about the city. You can also book a time here. The stuff we record over the next month will help direct where the larger Humanitas project goes. Better yet, bring somebody whose memories you’ve long wanted to preserve, and interview them yourself, in our mobile recording studio. You see a map of our locations on our Platial site.
Locations this week:

May 29 4-11pm Gladstone Hotel
May 30 10am-4pm Kipling Acres, 2233 Kipling Ave
May 31 12-4:30pm MacKenzie House, 82 Bond St.
June 1 11am-6pm Dufferine Grove Park
June 2 4pm-8pm Spadina Museum
