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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

The branding of Home

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What would the neighbours think?

I’ve always wondered when branding would reach the homestead. Not surprisingly, one of the most obnoxious shows on TV, The Simple Life, is pushing one of the most obnoxious forms of Ad Creep I’ve seen to date.

To promote the show, an Atlanta house was decorated with the E! and The Simple Life logos and the shrubs in front have been trimmed (likely pre-shaped fake bushes) to spell “Sundays”. Also note the “blasted out” part of the house on the left behind the shrubs.



  1. In a place like Toronto this would probably violate by-laws. Maybe less so in Hotlanta, where they are a free-er people, under God, & etc.

  2. oh, christ…

    forget rational thought or a cohesive sentence.

    this just…makes me…so…ANGRYYYYY!!! ARGHHHH!

    *breathe in*…*breathe out*…*breathe in*…*breathe out*…

  3. Oh lots of ad creep violate by-laws in Toronto you just need to get a variance and buy off a councillor. No muss, no fuss.

  4. curious, since quiet residential streets are hardly great places to reach massive audiences…unless of course pictures of it end up on blogs and cell phones everywhere.