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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

MTV Canada goes public (space)

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If you have cable and can receive MTV Canada signals, you should check out MTV Live tonight (6-7pm, channel 59 with Rogers). They will be broadcasting a one-hour show on public space issues. It will feature Shawn Micallef of Spacing and [murmur], Dave Meslin of the TPSC and City Idol, and Kevin and Lori of Newmindspace. MTV came to our release party for the transit issue in May at the Gladstone and did a whack of interviews, so they may have some footage of that event.



  1. We got jacked!. 90 minutes of my life in the MTV studio’s, and public space issues were reduced to a five-minute (at most) spot without and footage from Spacing.

    Was it just me or did it feel like Dave and Shawn were bringing everyone down because they provided something intelligent to listen to in amongst the mindless squawking?