It looks like the summer’s high temperatures and humidity have sparked a lot of talk about the Waterfront these days. Today, Christopher Hume has an article in the Star about the ever-controversial plan to drop a new power plant in the portlands:
If there’s a quick way to kill a neighbourhood, even before it has been built, this could well be it. Who would want to invest — or live — in a development located next to a large industrial complex?
Meanwhile, a few days ago another Star article weighed in on the Docks vs. Islanders debate which sparked a huge number of comments here on the Wire. Another article in the same paper contains what I consider to be the most intelligent discussion of the problem so far. A sample:
The tendency to intolerance may be inescapable, but in Toronto it’s growing worse. We pride ourselves on being a city of diversity but it turns out that’s not true when it comes to our own tiny piece of turf.
Finally, Now Magazine launched their “Water” issue last week. There are articles on Toronto’s lost rivers, aquatic wildlife in the city, the wall of concrete condos in the central harbourfront, and a host of other topics. There’s some great reading for the daily commute.
photo courtesy of Now.