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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

High graffiti

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Spacing Wire reader Mark Liechti sent along this image: graffiti on a building, really high up. That’s not what is impressive — rather, he hasn’t seen graffiti on a new development so soon. I agree. Usually, it takes a few weeks after an unveiling for the first tag to go up. Combined with the height and placement, this could up the ante for other taggers, so to speak. For a larger view click here.



  1. I feel bad for the contractors. how will they clean that up? who will get fired for leaving the construction site open or unlocked?

  2. Yeah but you call it “impressive” — rather, you discuss what’s most impressive about it — and you do end up sounding like you think its kind of cool.

  3. It is interesting. It’s impressive too — which doesn’t always mean to convey support, but I suppose impressive gets used more in a positive way. “The war was impressive”….I don’t know. Terrible, impressive words.

    ^^That’s the thing, some worker, probably the lowest guy on the pole, is going to have to deal with this impressive tag and remove it. I wonder if the bombers saw the faces of the people who have to deal with their mess, and see that it isn’t some fat cat at the top of a development corportation (or whatever rudimentary level of class analysis they use to justify their vandalism)  but it’s a guy who has to do a job, and suddenly his job is harder, and maybe he’s going to get in trouble for leaving the gate open — if they would still bomb like this. Meh, probably.