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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Stockholm syndrome

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I’m in Stockholm, Sweden for a week and plan to post my observations about the city’s public realm as much as possible during my time here. I got in late today after spending 8 hours waiting in NYC to transfer to my Swedish flight (thank you, Red Terror Alert). Anyway, the first thing I saw after I walked out of Central Station (Stockholm’s Union Station) was row upon row of bikes locked up (above photo). I think it bodes well for my trip.

Also, Joe Travers at Biking TO has posted real-life photos of the Quay to the City (no more artists’ renderings!) all decked out as bike and pedetrian friendly zone (pics by Peter Hudd). Check out the rest of the images here.



  1. I biked home tonight on Queens Quay. It’s wonderful down there. It feels like the street should’ve been that way from the beginning. The “Bike Arch” (an Arc de Triumphe made of old bikes) is very impressive, too.

    I’ll be at the Grand Opening tomorrow (9 am, York & Queens Quay) for the big cyclist ride, and will try and take photos of everything going on.

  2. No way… that’s really awesome. Heck I’ll get my bike and take the TTC from Scarborough all the way to the Quay just to check this out… I hope this is permanent.

    Now put the condos somewhere else and the city’s waterfront starts to shape up.

  3. luckily, I just had the wheel stolen from my bike… have fun at the inaugural ride!