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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Pitfield won’t quit anti-panhandling bylaw

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The Toronto Sun is reporting mayoral candidate Jane Pitfield won’t let go of her anti-panhandling bylaw: “Mayoral candidate Jane Pitfield vowed yesterday to fire a shot next week in her battle for a bylaw that restricts panhandling. A new report from city lawyers warns that the courts would likely shoot down any outright panhandling ban. Such a prohibition would violate a beggar’s constitutionally enshrined right to freedom of expression, says the legal report to next Monday’s meeting of Toronto’s policy and finance committee.”

photo by Bouke Salverda



  1. My god.

    Are the homeless really much of a nusiance to this woman, to constantly bring this up?


    There are more important issues to address than to make someone’s tough life even tougher.

  2. Has Ms. Pitfield even taken the time to talk to any of the panhandlers?

    So Ms. Pitfield, would you prefer petty theft instead as people try to make a bit of money, or petty laws?

    Though Miller hasn’t been awe-inspiring, Ms. Pitfield is doing her best to win the heartless Ralph Klein/Mike Harris award.