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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

SPACING: John Lorinc joins our election coverage


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Spacing is very excited to announce that John Lorinc, noted urban affairs journalist and author of the The New City, has joined the Spacing Votes election coverage team. John’s columns will unwind the electoral spin and examine the pressing issues of the 2006 Toronto election.

John specializes in urban affairs, politics, education, culture and business. Lorinc has contributed to numerous Canadian publications since the late 1980s, including The Globe and Mail, The National Post, Canadian Business, ROB Magazine, Saturday Night, Spacing, and The Walrus. Between 1995 and 2005, he was Toronto Life‘s urban politics columnist. During that time, he reported on many of the most pressing urban issues facing Canadian cities, including transit, environment, sprawl, education, amalgamation/downloading, immigration, housing, seniors, culture, urban planning and public health. He has won numerous honours for his journalism, including four National Magazine Awards for his coverage of city issues.
