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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

The lost city of Chernobyl

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I stumbled across a site with a batch of images from Chernobyl. Besides being abandoned, the city has also become a haven for graffiti artists. Also worth noting is how overgrown the place has become. It is amazing how a city can thwart nature when in constant use — but once left for neglect, the weeds and trees easily take over. Check out the photo essay.

Edit by Shawn> Elena Filatova has this photo tour she took of her motorcycle ride through the Chernobyl area she calls “Land of the Wolves“. Very spooky nuclear motorbike psychogeography.
image from English Russia by Alexandr Vikulov.



  1. The premise behind the motorcycle tour was shown to be a falsehood… the photographer took them with her tour group. The pictures are awesome, but were a little cooler before that fact came out.

  2. ^^ That’s too bad. Now it isn’t as spooky.

    What is spooky are those UE forums — all they could talk about, apart from calling her on faking, was masturbating. Well, that’s sort of how internet forums go in general i suppose. Too many dude’s with computers and nobody to program.