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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Feds to discuss emissions with carmakers

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Environment Minister Rona Ambrose will meet representatives of Canada’s car manufacturing companies on Tuesday in Ottawa, likely to talk about reducing auto emissions.

Ambrose is expected to discuss the possibility of Ottawa imposing auto emission regulations.

The Harper government is interested in introducing changes to the Clean Air Act later this fall in a bid to impose new standards and reduce pollutants, Ambrose has said.The meeting is part of consultations leading to the government’s environmental plan, dubbed Green Plan Two, expected to be unveiled within weeks.

Read the entire article.

The province of Ontario was chided by the Environment Commissioner in the Globe and Mail:

The Ontario government’s ”neglect” of environmental issues will have grave and long-lasting consequences, the province’s Environmental Commissioner warned Tuesday.

In a report, Gord Miller said he has concluded that ”there is just too much left undone in too many areas of environmental protection.”

He charged that inspection and enforcement targets are not being met, environmental standards are not being updated, the problems of the Great Lakes are not being addressed and the waste-management program is on the edge of crisis.

”This accumulation of problems, shortcomings and failures in so many areas can only be described as mismanagement or, more seriously, neglect,” Mr. Miller said.

He said he did not lay blame on public servants but rather on inadequate resources provided for the Ministry of the Environment.

Read the full article.
