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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

What’s on Spacing Votes


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We’re excited about the addition of Spacing Votes to the daily blog features of Our writers have been criss-crossing the city talking to candidates and attending community events. Here’s a snapshot what’s been posted during the last week.

John Lorinc columns
Who stole David Miller?
An immodest proposal for the Gardiner
Is Miller tilting at turboprops?
Wishing for a hidden agenda

Mayors’ race
Battle of the brochures
LeDrew not master of his domain
Playing the crime card
Every mayoral candidate has their night
Port Lands’ Energy Centre dominates mayors’ event

Transit topics
City Council TTC report card, wards 1-6
City Council TTC report card, wards 7-11
St. Clair ROW high point in CBC debate

Cycling topics
Stumping on bikes
Is Toronto a biking city or not?

Other election articles
Where were the candidates on Nuit Blanche?
New visions on development
Brett Lamb’s weekly political cartoon

photo by Bouke Salverda
