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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Sunday Scene — City Talk at Power Plant

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There is an interesting talk at the Power Plant on Sunday, part of the We Can Do This Now Toronto-centric exhibition (go just to check out Luis Jacob’s pigeon tribute to Michael Snow’s Eaton Centre hanging geese).

In major cities in Europe and North America, notions of creativity have become instrumental for strategies of land valorization and economic competitiveness. U of T professor Stefan Kipfer offers an alternative way of thinking about creativity in the city: French radical philosopher Henri Lefebvre’s notion of the city as a collective work of art. Kipfer relates Lefevbre’s ideas to the We Can Do This Now exhibition.

Grad students will tell you that Sunday afternoons were made for Lefebvre talks (really). These French postmodern types were thinking about Paris when they wrote about city life — but I’m certain their ideas can be seen at work and alive in an always changing place like Toronto more so than in today’s Paris that has become an exquisite outdoor city-museum (or mausoleum, depending on your mood).

  • -Sunday 21 January, 2 pm.
  • -Free with gallery admission
  • -231 Queens Quay West
