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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Bloggers effect change on the TTC’s website

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As many of the regular Spacing Wire readers will know, a few blogs here in Toronto teamed up to gather feedback for the TTC on improving their horrible website. Last week we submitted all of your comments as well as a letter [ read it on Reading Toronto ] outlining some of the most sought-after features. One of our main suggestions in the letter was to re-open the RFP (Request For Proposal) because many of the suggestions made by our readers were not being considered in the original RFP.

We just received word from TTC Chair Adam Giambrone (see letter below) that the transit authority has decided to re-open the RFP based on our combined suggestions. Hats off to Mr. Giambrone and TTC staff for being wise enough to re-issue the call for RFPs.
So pat yourselves on the back, Toronto bloggers and commenters, because you made a difference. The TTC’s website is a vital part of their infrastructure, whether they know it or not. And it will only become more important as the years pass us by. The next thing to do is to keep up the pressure on the TTC to make sure they follow-through and execute the website’s construction properly. And you can also bring your creativity to TTCamp this Sunday at The Gladstone.

Here’s the letter from Giambrone:

Thanks again for your help in soliciting and compiling the submissions on the blogs concerning the TTC website redesign.

I presented the results to the TTC e-systems committee last week. To the credit of TTC staff, many of the suggestions had already been anticipated in the original RFP. However, some were not, and thanks in part to the consultation, it became clear during the discussion that the project should be reconsidered. The bloggers’ suggestions were very helpful in this determination.

The committee recommended withdrawing, re-writing and re-issuing the RFP to reflect what I think is a more ambitious and exciting project. This decision might add a little extra time–maybe a few months–but we think it will result in a better website, so it’s worth doing.

I’ll keep you posted on developments. In the meantime, of course, I am still very happy to receive comments and suggestions.

Thanks again for all your help,

Adam Giambrone
Chair, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)



  1. I think the event is Sunday, not Sat. And in my view Mr. Giambrone really needs to explain publicly why he supports the Front St. Extension instead of transit.