In this photo, taken last September, a proud former Torontonian spreads the royalty-free Gospel of Toronto Iconography in the tourist town of Bugibba (Boo-jibba), Malta. Throughout Malta there are Canadian and Toronto references, usual the work of returning migrants. Folks that left Malta for Canada in the 50s, 60s, and 70s only to return to the homeland in later years and open more relaxed Freedom 55ish enterprises. This is one of the most overt displays, and one most likely to annoy Paul Godfrey.
I was always happy to walk by this place — at one time the name of a bar in a different part of the island, currently an outlet selling tours of the island — as it reminded me of home, and perhaps more importantly, of a time when the Blue Jays’ logo was cute and not so mean looking (compare at right). I often wondered how many non-Europeans get the reference, as Baseball isn’t such a popular sport over there. Maybe only the vacationing Canadians crack a nostalgic smile for home when they see it.
what a logo!!
One of the most expensive clothing stores in downtown Hanoi is called “Toronto”. I asked some of my friends if they understood where the name came from and all of them said no. When I told them I was from the city of the same name, they all responded by saying “yes, it’s very expensive.”
my family is Maltese and I have cousins that live in ‘little malta’ too. we’re all pretty much baseball fans, so it must run in the blood