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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Pothole season has arrived

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You may be happy spring has arrived, but many forget that spring time means potholes. No one likes them, and we’d all like to see them fixed. Thankfully, The Star’s Fixer is here to help.

They want to hear from you. In a recent Toronto Star article, Jack Lakey asked readers to start sending in pothole locations in the GTA, promising he would do his best to get some of the worst ones fixed.

They don’t expect to get them all fixed, but seeing as there was less than half the number of complaints in January this year as there was in January 2006, things are looking up.

So next time you see one, swerve and then note the location. Be as precise as possible. You can then email the location of your pothole nomination, phone the Fixer or just make a submittion on Speak Out.
