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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

TAKE A GUESS: name this intersection, March 23rd

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We want you to identify this intersection. Leave your guess in the comments section: we’ll hold on to your picks until 3pm when we’ll unveil the answer. If you want to see a larger version of the photo check it out on Spacing Photos.

UPDATE AT 3pm: The intersection is Broadview and Gerrard, looking at the southeast corner.



  1. broadview & gerrard, looking southeast

    it’s amazing how similar the intersection looks today. nice to remember how long those streetcar lines have been in place — and that they were never removed!

  2. I’m going to take a guess and say Bloor and Bathurst looking north-east.

  3. This looks like Dundas & McCaul to me, looking standing on the southwest corner where the AGO is now, looking across to the northeast. The chemist shop is now a cafe. Its door, on an angle, is what stood out for me.

  4. Cool picture, but I really don’t have a clue. Something is making me think Dufferin and College, or maybe Dufferin and King, but this is just a wild guess.

  5. Broadview & Gerrard looking south-east.

  6. Just a guess: Broadview Ave. and Gerrard St. E.

    The building with the awnings would be at the south-east corner.

  7. Let’s try Bloor and Ossington looking to NE corner

  8. hmmm….College St…somewhere between Clinton and Manning?

  9. It could also be Broadview and Gerrard, but I’m suspicious about the track layout. If it is, there is a nice bank just out of frame to the left .

  10. Roncesvalles/Queen/King…looking west on queen street.

    …. i think. if that’s true, wasn’t this the most complicated streetcar track laying venture to date in toronto??


  11. That’s Broadview & Gerrard without any doubt – looking south-east.

    I have a photograph of the same intersection, taken last summer.

  12. Judging by the number of turns in the streetcar tracks, I’m going to say Queen and Roncesvalles.

  13. That’s Broadview & Gerrard, facing SE.

    The chemist is now a vietnamese grocery store. And, true to form, a bank appears in this shot (at the very edge of the frame on the left).

  14. …and because this intersection is in the heart of Chinatown East, the first guess wasn’t good enough. I’m still wanting to guess the name of this intersection again…

    This is the view from the steps of the Riverdale Library looking south east towards Broadview and Gerrard.

    Now it’s time for some dim sum and pho.

  15. Hah, that’s funny, Steve. Dundas and Ossington was my second choice.

    Is it fascinating or just kinda depressing how so many intersections resemble eachother? I think I’m leaning toward the former, but I can’t decide.

  16. This is braodview and gerrard facing the south east corner. the corner window on the second floor is my bedroom window.