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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Wednesday’s Headlines

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How city hall rewards thrift [ Toronto Star ]
This year’s Pug Awards will include the good [ Globe and Mail ]
Architecture’s good, bad and ‘pugly’ [ National Post ]
Beauties and the Beasts [ Toronto Star ]
TTC puts brakes on King plan [ National Post ]
Trial run would ban cars on King [ Toronto Sun ]
TTC shuts streetcar plan [ Toronto Star ]
High gas prices leave an empty feeling [ Toronto Sun ]
No relief on gas prices [ Toronto Star ]
A river runs through them [ Toronto Star ]
Green message mixed [ Toronto Sun ]
Squeaky Wheel [ Now ]
From Greed to Green [ Now ]



  1. Rob Granatstein at the Sun got in on the TPSC bashing today, though acknowledged Jonathan’s quote as “news clip of the day,” while giving a little more respect to Matt.

    Article here.

  2. Regarding King Street: when are politicians in our city going to grow a pair? How is it that the greater good (transit, cycling, reducing smog…) is often so easily trumped by the lesser good (arterial street parking, taxis…). Losing is one thing, but losing so easily, and consistently is wearying.

    Maybe city politicians should just bend right over in their next group photograph, since that’s the position they are prepared to assume with any business organization and the province.

    Was a time before amalgamation, a long time ago, when we were known as “the city that works”, and “New York run by the Swiss”. Not so apt now.

  3. The king street idea falling through is plain sad. The area is clogged with cars. I have to blame the businesses though.. who are these guys?

    Do people actually park in front of their restaurants at all? I mean even if you go down there by car you will have to park far away.

    I wish the city would also ‘grow a pair ‘ as you say they need to stop bending over to the almighty car in this city by giving the odd street back to people, it sends a strong message and creates a better , friendly vibe to the city not just cars driving through.

  4. That King Street thing is just sad. Restricting access to cars is successful in other cities, even on weekend only things like Kensington Market – to be joined by Baldwin and Mirvish villages this year.

    Yeah, the stupid business owners don’t believe it, but that’s why it was going to be a TRIAL – so that they could see that it would BENEFIT businesses.

    The pols could’ve done something beneficial for downtown Toronto, and know they’ve just succumbed and went back to being useless politicians.

    I’m really mad about this, if you can’t tell.

  5. These business guys need to travel a bit more. If they went to many European cities they would see that the busiest restaurants and shops are the ones located in streets closed to traffic. When they started closing streets to traffic in many European cities back in the 80’s the businesses where also freaking out fearing loss of costumers, now they can’t praise it enough (we are already behind almost 30 years). A restaurant on King Street is only wide enough to fit 2 parking cars, do they really believe that those 2 parked cars in front of their store is bringing them costumers? What a bunch of boneheads…