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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Well done – this is perfect! Thanks for the post.

    I’m fairly certain that even the thickest of drivers might learn something about their behaviour (and the impact on others) from watching it.

    Now how do we get folks to see it?

  2. This cartoon is an old classic, I love it. It is amazing how they already new what cars did to people back then. Didn’t we learn anything these past 40-50 years? The costs to the economy and to our society are tremendous, yet most people don’t (or won’t) see it. People do change when they sit behind a wheel, and it is never for the best, I know it because I am the same (although never to such extremes).

  3. I gotta say, I didn’t expect this to be as crazily accurate as it is.

  4. You know, I remember this from when I was three or four, but I’m not sure I ever made it more than thirty seconds into it, as Goofy’s Mr. Hyde transformation in the garage seriously traumatized me and put me off Disney shorts for awhile.