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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Cyclist Profile – Christopher the actor

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During Bike Week, and possibly beyond, I will feature some cyclist profiles here on the wire. These will be profiles of regular people who ride bikes in the city. There might be the odd courier or cycling advocate thrown into the mix for good measure but, by and large these will be ordinary people who just want to ride.

Cyclist Profiles are a regular feature on I Bike TO.

Name / Occupation / Age
Christopher Bolton / Actor / 37

What do you use your bike for?
I commute on them and I race them. In the last year I’ve made the switch from traditional road racing to endurance events. At present I am training for SKRAAM, a fundraising initiative for the Hospital for Sick Kid’s via a two-man bid for the Race Across AMerica. I did the Tour for Kids in 2006 where I met former RAAM-er Kevin Wallace. I blame him for the mess I’m in. We will depart Oceanside California, just outside of San Diego, on June 12th and then plan to arrive in Atlantic City about 8 days later. We will be broadcasting live on the Telus network. You can follow us at where you can also send us texts and emails. Please do so as we need all the love and encouragement we can get! My excitement level is through the roof. I’ve competed on the international stage before but have never felt this nervous or psyched about an event. Sam and I are both physically ready, it is the mental training that occupies all my time now. For me, endurance racing is all about the mental training.

How often do you ride?
Every day.

How long have you been commuting by bicycle and what made you decide to do it?
My business partner and I were starting up a new business in 2004 and I was going through a divorce, so I was pretty strapped for cash and the big Toyota truck was simply a luxury I could not afford. So I became a regular bicycle commuter. My three-year old son has been riding with me since he was 6-months old. First in a seat in front of me, between the legs, then in the seat behind and now in a trailer.

Can you give a brief description of your route?
Since I work in film, it varies. I’m lucky enough to be shooting in studio these days in Etobicoke. So I take the lakeshore trail. I try to go straight down from my house then take the Martin Goodman trail straight across, through some residential side streets to the studio.

My parents live in Oakville, so I ride out there 3 or 4 times a week as well, sometimes with my son in the trailer. Again, along the trail for as far as I can and then through residential streets. You need someone to show you the first time, but once you got it, it’s good. From Toronto to Oakville you don’t have to be on the Lakeshore for any more than 5 or 6 kms total.

What’s the best thing about commuting by bicycle?
More time on my bike.

Any advice for new riders?
Get a cycling map from the city and find the routes that will make you comfortable. Do your research and ride on streets with bike lanes. The bike network has a long way to go, but it is a start.

What would you say to convince someone who is considering commuting by bicycle to get on board their bike?
I can’t imagine anyone needing convincing to ride a bike. But if you do need motivation shave your legs. May sound odd but it works.

What do you like about biking in Toronto? And dislike?
I dislike the lack of both driver and cyclist education. We need to educate both groups on how the system works. Toronto is a great city and cycling is the best way to see it. If you are adventurous you can get lost in this city. I was doing some training through the Don trails and got carried away and lost up at Sunnybrook Stables. It was great. If you are adventurous, to be able to get lost on your bike in the city is just a great thing.
Where is/are your favourite place(s) to bike in Toronto?
I like the Martin Goodman Trail, although it is a bit zoo-ish on sunny days and weekends. The Don trails, of course. I think my favourite place to bike in Toronto is out of Toronto.

What’s your favourite cycling street in Toronto?
Poplar Plains.

Least favourite?

What’s your favourite piece of cycling kit/clothing/gadget?
My cycling shoe covers. Shoe booties — they cover my road shoes, the cleats for the clipped pedals poking out holes in the bottom. People are fascinated by them.

Are you a member of any cycling organizations/clubs? If so, which ones?

Favourite bike stories?
Tour for Kids 2006. The 24-hour training run recently with Sam for the SKRAAM 2007.

Scary bike stories?
Whenever some driver decides it’s a good idea to use his car as a weapon against me.

How could the City help you enjoy riding more?
Finish the bike network sooner than later. I mean, we are going to get there eventually, so why not be proactive about this now. The pluses are just huge on so many fronts; the environment, gridlock (which is noticeably worsening), the population’s fitness….

What sort of bike do you ride? A SKRAAM-issued Aquila. My commuter bike is a Kronan. I also have a tricked-out 1964 CCM.

Helmet or no helmet? I need to get better about this.

Bikelane or no bikelane? I like the bike lane.

Anything else? Send us your love for SKRAAM!

Photo courtesy of Frank Mizerski at Racer Sportif

Crossposted to I Bike TO



  1. Damn, I wanted to be the first to post “Cake!” Ah well, I guess I’ll “go fa coffee” instead.