• Pleasure at the heart of the city [ Toronto Star ]
• Yonge-Bloor tenants told to move [ Toronto Star ]
• Townhouses’ trash heap an eyesore for neighbours [ Toronto Star ]
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Monday’s Headlines
By Julie Yamin
Read more articles by Julie Yamin
Congrats all around! Great, welcome changes!
On Saturday, the Star did a Pro/Con debate on urban sprawl in the Homes section
We must exit road to crisis http://www.thestar.com/living/article/251282
Planners denying reality
Spacing’s Dale Duncan wrote about the Pro/Con sprawl debate on Spacing Votes too:
I think Toronto’s financial woes are not so much from the Province, as Mr. James points out in his article.
Remember a few years ago, when the Mayor (Lastman, IIRC) kept saying we didn’t need a tax increase, because the city had plenty of money, and then they raided the reserves to balance the books. Now there are no reserves left, and nobody in city hall wants to commit political suicide, by trying to catch up those missed taxes from previous years.