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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Walking on Thin Ice — 1981 New York

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Just after John was shot in 1980, Yoko Ono made this video for her song Walking on Thin Ice. It was the last the song Lennon worked on and he was holding it in his hands when he was shot. It includes some interesting views of Ed Koch’s New York, with Ono sort of lost in Times Square, somewhat scared looking, awkwardly walking around on her stiletto heels until she is escorted into her limo. It’s a paranoid and lonely take on New York City after a decade of urban decline from one of the most versatile and prolific artists of the last 40 years.


One comment

  1. Does anyone investigate or do you just believe anything Yoko says. I know with out a doubt that the tape John Lennon had on his person when he was shot were not songs he wrote. In fact I have a copy of that tape.