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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

A day in the life of 1975 New York City

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Despite the wave of happy-urbanism that has gripped a large chunk of the former city of Toronto and parts of the also-former boroughs over the past few years, one still hears tales of various relatives and old high school friends living in deepest suburbia who truly believe the city is a dangerous place full of the perps and perverts featured in the Taking of Pelham One Two Three trailer posted here in October. It’s sort of how one hears an urban legend, not knowing that person personally, but assured they’re out there. I wonder how much of this false city-view is the result of the gritty films of the 1970s that featured decaying American cities at their worst. They came to represent the idea of the big bad city in contrast to the good/better/cleaner/safer bucolic suburbs and rural areas. For many people this view has likely endured.

The above clip is the opening credit sequence of a 1975 film that is a classic of the era, but this opening shows some rather wonderful urban city moments. I’ve seen this film a few times, but forgot about this part, and the great Elton John song, as it’s somewhat at odds with the rest of the film’s darker theme. I won’t say the name of the film and let you discover it on your own when the credits finally roll, unless of course you remember this sequence.



  1. Without having clicked on the clip (or even seen the movie), I’m going to guess it’s —————————-.

    ED: You are correct Jonathan — but let’s not spoil the fun (if this is in fact fun).

  2. Maybe it’s because I don’t know the plot of that movie, but I didn’t see anything that looked unsafe in clip at all. A little dirty sure, but that just adds character. 🙂

  3. Awesome. Working my way through NYC films of the 70s now via Netflix. Will have to add this one.

  4. Perhaps one thing New York in 1975 and Toronto is 2007 have in common is the verge of bankruptcy and a federal government that is unwilling to help out the country’s largest city.

  5. Golly, it really did look like that! I think that those tennis courts are the ones by my old apartment. Takes me back…

  6. I wasn’t in New York in the 70’s, but I’ve always heard it was pretty dangerous. I can’t even imagine that now.