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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Ah, good old reliable Christopher Hume with his usual anti-car pro toll rant in Tolls strike fear, loathing in heart of car junkies. When will Mr. Hume see the light and realize that cars are so much better than walking or cycling or using public transit? Cars are freedom! They allow us to go wherever we want whenever we want. So what if we get bogged down in traffic? Nothing beats the smell of exhaust when stuck in traffic. So what if car dwellers are out of shape? Nothing beats going through a drive through in a cold winter day to get a super sized McDeal. So what if cars contribute to global warming? Canada is a cold country that needs to get warmer so we can plunder our resources up north much easier. So what if we’re losing farmland and natural habitats to sprawl? If it weren’t for the suburbs with their monster houses, where would we keep all our unnecessary crap?
    Cars are what allow us to live our lives in a wasteful beautiful orgy. Of course future generations are going to pay dearly, but who cares? I probably won’t be around anyway. Screw future generations, screw all the losers and the suckers that take public transit.

    Long live the car! Humanity’s greatest invention! (It will kill us in the end, but as I said before, so what? I probably won’t be around to see it.)

  2. fabulous pictures Diane,we in toronto should take lessons from those inovative people around the world.As we enter a deep recession we will have to become inovative in the way we use our bikes.
    As China throws their bikes into the rivers and get into their new cars we must do the opposite.As vehicles become prohibitively expensive to drive we must start using bicycles for more than just transportation.Service vehicles and taxi transport is just some suggestions.How bout you any ideas how we can find new uses for pedal power????