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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Kevin Gaudet, of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, complains that the cumulative effect of the increases will be onerous on people’s pocketbooks.
    “They’re overwhelming,” he insists. “It’s tough not to feel beaten down as a taxpayer, I think. I’ve got more hands in my pocket than I know what to do with.”
    Now who is Kevin anyway?He isn’t elected,doesn’t like my idea of giving the auditor general the power to lay charges and stop overspending and unnecessary borrowing.I think gord perks has it when he says he supports Miller and its the federal government that abandoned the city.Well I met Gord the other day and brought this very subject up.I asked him why did jack layton bring the liberal govt down when they were going to support the city?In fact Jack and his fellow NDPers seem to prefer the conservative govts way of ignoring the city.I jest of course, the NDP don’t have a clue what they want politically except to make sure we pay for it.
    So much for the great promise”property taxes will not increase more than the cost of living, the city is in good financial shape”(Joe Pantalone backed up by Davis Miller oct 2006)a little too long ago for most of you to remember!
    Reminder, its budget day at city hall,go there and see for yourself!