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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Why does the city feel the need to get involved in everything? Why waste time and money trying to find vendors for new street food when they’ll likely just show up themselves. Now that the rules have been relaxed its only a matter of time before a couple vendors try something new.

    Give me a free vendor pass and I’ll set up a crepe cart at the corner of King and Spadina and rake in the money.

  2. “What we are having is one private owner telling the public that our communal interests are somehow less important than his personal interests,” said Pantalone.

    So this owner has to endure the repairs and expense caused by a city owned tree?Trees dont cause damage to drains or sewers?We live in a catch-22 city now and Joe heads the lunatic fringe.So you do have to pay for the tree you don’t own on city property, or is it you are responsible for the damage that tree causes on “your?” property.

  3. Wonder when we will get the lobbyist registry??After the next election,or after another computerscam like we had before?The citizens have a right to know its their money,again!