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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. I have to say, the Star’s Fixer section is really good at getting things done. It’ll be interesting to see what kind of influence it has on the general cleanliness of the TTC. As a regular TTC user, I’m crossing my fingers and hoping for the best. For anyone who goes through the Finch subway station on a regular basis, I submitted a complaint about the pitiful one-square-metre “DANGER – DO NOT AREA” zone, which is actually just a disgusting, leaky mess, sadly covered up with newspapers and I think, paper towels.

  2. Yesterday, as I stood beside the entrance gates while waiting for my bus at St. Clair West station, I overheard a guy say to his friend as he walked into the station…

    “Now this is why I avoid the TTC. Each time you enter the subway it looks like a war zone.”

    I’m sure hundreds of others feel the same way. The terrible state of the stations certainly is depressing and only reinforces the image as transit being only for those with no other option the same way a rusted, patchy-paint job, muffler dangling, s**tbox car says the same thing.