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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. re: Parkdale Article
    “Victor Willis runs PARC and is spearheading the redevelopment. He was at a neighbourhood meeting recently, during which there was some sharp discussion of the project: a handful of people feel the new rooms for rent – 29 in total, averaging roughly 325 sq. ft. – will be too small.”

    What a load of crap. I live in a 1 bedroom 250 sq. ft. apartment off Jamieson near queen. 325 sq. ft. is either a huge bachelor or small but comfortable 1BR.

    Its supposed to be affordable housing, not luxury condos, yeah?

  2. I am by no means opposed to building affordable housing but lets just look at the numbers.
    29 units
    325 sq feet average
    325 x 29 = 9425 sq feet total res area.

    $5,000,000 construction cost
    Per unit cost $5,000,000/29= $172,414
    Per sq. foot cost $5,000,000/9425= $531

    Maybe I did the math wrong, but these are luxury prices not affordable housing prices, you could probably buy a few old rooming houses that need a bit of retrofit for much cheaper.
    Anyway, this is just my point of view, i would like to hear other peoples opinions and criticisms.

  3. urban sprawler>
    shame on you, you are now sounding like Rob Ford,you are trying to use common sense and a logical approach to a recognized problem.The public has been taken for a ride when it comes to costs.It is clear that this government can’t justify the costs so try to hide them.If we explore different ways to solve the problem of housing the solutions are self eveident.But those solutions will mean many political supporters will lose their job.Most construction in this city varies between $100-$250 per square foot for residential units.

  4. Shame on me, how about shame on your broken common sense, if construction costs are 100-250 dollars a square foot, why spend over 500$. Why not try to build social housing for less so that we can get more of it. HHmmm.

  5. Shame on me???
    I have always supported low cost housing, and everytime I have brought forth the same figures that you have shown I have been told that it was impossible to achieve construction at that cost.Yet in the private industry this has been the norm for years.Developers who build housing make tremendous profits holding construction costs to the minimum.However when gocernment gets involved costs skyrocket.It should seem evident that something is wrong.Unfortunately there is little that you or I can do considering input on this issue falls on deaf ears and the problem is shuffled between local,provincial and federal governments.Each looks to the other for more money instead of solving the high cost issue internaly.But i thank you for at least trying.

    “Yes We Can”