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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Saturday’s headlines

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Miller pushes for more power [ Toronto Star ]
Miller ramps up pursuit of ‘strong mayor’ status [ Globe and Mail ]
Councillors silent on high cost of benefits [ Toronto Star ]
Mayor backs serious look at road tolls [ Toronto Star ]
Second report calls for road tolls [ National Post ]
Councillors decry ‘inaccurate’ view of city hall culture [ National Post ]
Merit pay out of control: Councillor [ Toronto Sun ]
Miller brushes off call to meet over city vet’s sacking [ Toronto Sun ]
Comment: Toronto mayor needs to act, now [ National Post ]
City goes to battle over beetle [ Toronto Star ]
City’s not letting the bedbugs bite [ Toronto Sun ]

Fire’s ruins have promising future [ Toronto Star ]
Old buildings spoke of intimate streetscape [ Toronto Star ]
Historic facades demolished [ Toronto Star ]
Police appeal for leads in massive Toronto fire [ ]
Bulldozer tears into burnt-out Queen Street block [ National Post ]
Firedamage may hit $10M [ National Post ]
Fire clues sought [ Toronto Sun ]
‘It just feels like I don’t exist anymore’ [ Globe and Mail ]
Of bikes, kids, skates…and loss [ Globe and Mail ]

Variable weather pumps up city’s pothole count [ Toronto Star ]
Pothole repair crews on alert [ Toronto Sun ]

Bayview a study in evolution [ Toronto Star ]
Planning’s big inhale [ NOW magazine ]
Why or why are they closing the East City Y? [ Globe and Mail ]
Eugene Yao, 61: Chinese activist [ Toronto Star ]

Toronto tourism takes $50M hit with loss of race [ Toronto Star ]
Welcome to T.O.LLYWOOD [ Globe and Mail ]
Intelligence: Rats!?! [ Globe and Mail ]
Toeing the thin blue line [ NOW magazine ]
Key to the streets [ NOW magazine ]
Fiddling amid the rising flames [ Eye Weekly ]


  1. Just want to point out that it is $50 million, not $500 million, that is expected to be lost from the cancellation of the Molson Indy.

  2. In the Star article Miller states:

    “If you want to build in transit, which we’ll have to if Toronto is going to succeed, you have to consider the way to finance it,” he said. “I think it (road tolls) needs some serious consideration, very serious.”

    But during the debate Spacing held in 2006 between Miller and Pitfield, David said he wouldn’t consider road tolls.

    I’m confused.

  3. Does Shaun have a quote for that? Miller has never completely ruled out road tolls. It’s always just subject to so many different conditions that he thinks he’ll never have to be definitive one way or the other (that they be regional, that there be good public transit for people in Scarborough and Etobicoke, etc, etc).

  4. I think people would be quite surprised if they understood the law, which makes it extremely difficult for the mayor to deliver on his mandate.

    “I think council needs to rise up and recognize that the size and the complexity of Toronto today requires a more executive form of government and a strong mayor. Judging by some comments of some members, it appears that people will rise to the challenge. But it’s up to council and there are 44 political parties on council.”

    Well well well, looks like Miller is going full steam ahead.Yes he did say that he would not consider toll roads as a source of income.Because he also reminded Jane Pitfield that the city was in excellent fiscal shape and there would only be a small cost of living hike in the property taxes.He implied that it showed just how responsible he was in managing the city.Well that was during the election and since Miller doesn’t think the voters or should I say the citizens of this city are really that smart they would never remember him even takeing that stance.

    Well the truth is coming out and I see visions of Bob Rae(the toll troll) emerging.Taxes,service fees,user fees and who knows even the dreaded toronto sales tax is brewing in the heads of the almighty.I hate to say it……..

  5. before everybody calls me a liar…. here is the youtube video where John Lorinc asks Miller the billion dollar toll question and the answer is clear

    or just goto georgesawison at youtube and I have all the links for all the questions from the spacing panel there have fun watching.It was a different David Miller then.

  6. I am wondering if the cancelling of the Grand Prix has anything to do with the Frank D’Angelo meltdown – I was looking to see the name in the article, but that angle was not mentioned (his insolvent brewery was the sponsor last year).

    Hopefully it will allow the CNE to make their grounds more of a year-round destination and get some of those parking lots replaced.

    In the last few years, we’ve gotten new events that will hopefully soften the auto race cancellation’s blow, like the unfocused, yet popular, Luminato.

  7. You’re both correct. Miller offers all the usual reasons that Norma cites (e.g. “that there be good public transit for people in Scarborough and Etobicoke”), but he does state quite definitively, “I’m not gonna bring in tolls.”

  8. Not quite, Jonathan. In the video Miller says that he’s not going to do it for the reasons he had mentioned. Well if he makes the case that once Transit City gets built (even partially) transit is good enough for tolls for Etobicoke and Scarborough then the conditions he talked about have changed. No body is ever going to put in a toll road without a fight and I’m sure Miller’s words will be thrown in his face if he ever does but he probably has a little wiggle room given what he said.

    And ladies and gents, we’ve found a use for George Sawision: Professional YouTube searcher. Stick to that job, George, and leave running the city to the big kids.

  9. why thank you norma,coming from you that must be such a compliment.I guess you prefer politicians who break their promises.You are right I just couldn’t do that!I guess you can’t be honest and serve the people, stupid me…..

  10. PS Norma did you check out my youtube with olivia chow and joe pantalone? sweet

    Olivia admits to being joes chairperson and fundraiser,and they say there isn’t party politics at city hall.What you dont see is David Miller in the background, I will show you that one at a later date.I think I make him uncomfortable.

  11. My memory recalls Miller saying he was against tolls when he appeared on Here and Now and other radio outlets after suggesting that he would consider it. I think his reasoning developed over time but that initially my feeling was that there was the potential for this issue to go nuclear and he was in damage control.I was appearing on Vancouver radio and the host remarked that a sports radio host here had called Miller a communist due to his suggesting of tolls.

    I think the public mood has evolved on this issue since then as has Millers and we should spend less time debating and scoring meaningless points about who said what when be happy when people change their opinion due to changing realities. Being obsessed with holding people to promises made is an old way of thinking. Things change and we have to react to them. Its the dogged adherence to political central casting like Rob Ford that has actually held the City up more than people having their opinions evolve.

  12. There’s nothing scandalous about politicians working together. Anyone who cares to know knows Pantalone and Chow are New Democrats. No one hides that. Are you saying that municipal politicians should have their Charter rights taken away?

  13. Rob Ford isn’t in any position of power and I won’t defend what he does in this forum.But it was Miller and company who decided to attack Ford and associates in an effort to “shut him up”.It seems the election of ’06 was just yesterday but listening here it seems the toronto ndp wishes it was a decade ago.Scott the election is also about promises, those promises lead people to select the direction they want of government.When a politician takes an about turn,just like bob rae did when he was premier there is no excuse.You can’t then say there is a developing trend or a direction.It is in fact a deception.This is not about reality, I pointed out that reality during the election and it was rejected.Now to use a blue panel report to justify a change of mind so soon after an election calls for someones resignation.At least that’s what an honest person would do.

    We are dealing with the future of Toronto and the lives and incomes of citizens.This is becoming very serious and its time the media begins to use their powers of “freedom of the press” to finally tell the truth to everybody.

  14. Geo write: “…its time the media begins to use their powers of “freedom of the press” to finally tell the truth to everybody.”

    You’re doing a good enough job spreading misinformation and libel on this blog, Georgie Boy, that you don’t need the media to do your bidding. You’re lucky this media organization is giving you your freedom of speech since so much of your opinion is, well, vindictive towards a person who you repeatedly libel (and lose elections to).

  15. norma>
    actually it was the NDP who said it was unethical for federal members of parliament to get involved directly in municipal politics.In fact Olivia Chow was using her influence as a member pof parliament to raise funds for Joe Pantalone.In fact she was very uncomfortable that I actually have the brochure with her endorsement on it.If anybody wants a copy……….

    I just find it very hypocritical that the NDP party talks about how independant the councillors are and hide those ndp colours during the election, but once elected it is clear.No wonder very few people even want to run or even vote in the municipal elections.Maybe you don’t see how unfair and unethical this practice really is.

  16. oh my!!!

    Is Big Ben your real name?

    if not why r u hiding?

    I never ran against anybody called Libel,maybe Syed or Boragina(never met the guy yet,wonder even if he exists), but no libel, so please tell me who it is……..

  17. George, you’re delusional. No one but you thinks it’s unethical for one politician to be endorsed by another. You’re just jealous because you wish you could get an endorsement from someone who has served Trinity-Spadina as well as Olivia Chow. Unfortunately anyone who fits that description knows you would run the ward into the ground.

    So you want members of the NDP to put NDP on their municipal election signs? If they did that you would be crying foul because it’s illegal to run with a party. And the NDP didn’t write those rules.

    I also find it fascinating that you haven’t called out any Liberals who took endorsements from Liberal MPs or MPPs. Hmmmm…I sense a bias here, George. Come to think of it, given all the love you’ve shown in the past for Gerrard Kennedy and I think it’s safe to say you’re just a Liberal hack.

  18. well to tell you the truth I have never belonged to any political party.In fact Joe Pantalone accused me of belonging to the Liberal party, a totally false accusation.Maybe you can ask Kate Holloway why I ran against her and Rosario Marchese.
    As for Gerrard Kennedy I still think he would make a great prime minister.Yes I am biased towards him because of his work at the food bank on bathurst street.It helped many people in and around our ward.I just don’t understand that if you want to work for a political party why you wouldn’t seek a seat provincially or federally.I think toronto has been ruined by political party interference by all parties and that includes Liberal and Tory.

    As for me running this ward into the ground,that statement makes no sense at all.But thank you for your contribution,I wish more citizens in the ward would take part in the community.Unfortunately they have been discouraged by the very party politics you speak off.

    I think the NDP should then apologize to the other two parties for their accusing finger.And accept that the NDP are nop better than the others in meddling with local affairs.Yes and remember a national party that pretty much can raise unlimited funds has an unfair advantage against any independant.Thats why they aren’t allowed in city politics.Maybe you should speak to Greg Essensa at the election office they should change their bylaws regarding party politics.
    Have a great day Norma(if that is your name)

  19. Getting back to road tolls, I think Miller is right, we do need alternatives in order for the tolls to become a success. Unfortunately, CN rail prefers to use it’s lines for freight, not passenger travel.

    As I’ve stated many times before on this fantastic site, all three levels of government need to be involved in Toronto’s solutions. The city can’t do it on it’s own.