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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Re. the violent teenagers on the ttc

    I think the ttc and/or police needs to start putting more patrols onto the system. Violence is fortunately still rare, but this type of incident, along with aggressive panhandling seems to be on the upswing. It needs to be nipped in the bud before it gets worse. I know they’re installing a ton of cameras but they don’t have the same impact.

  2. re: violent teenagers

    It’s also vaguely attacks an entire demographic when the issue seems to be a gang of ‘troublemakers’.

  3. I’ve been hearing this “global 50-50 rural/urban split” for yeeeeears now. I know it’s just an estimate so people disagree on exactly when it happened, or will happen, but why is it news?

    Clearly the people who live in the cities know what they’re doing, end of story 😛

    Also, Adam Vaughan deserves my praise this time for his attempt to preserve Queen West. For all my criticism of his draconian plans for banning marker sales to young people, gating alleyways, and destroying much of Toronto’s nightlife, he does occasionally have a good idea that is relevant to what I love about the city. This is one of them.

  4. Good Luck Adam you are about to find out just how disfunctional city hall really is.And what is Adam proposing for the new homedepot project that has already been approved and doesn’t fit into the site???