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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. “Accountability vs. power at city hall” is a fine article, however Adam Vaughan is definetly not the Chairman of the P+GM Committee nor is he a “Miller backer;” and there is such a thing as out of order.

    It was interesting to see the Deputy Mayor say that incineration is an issue “too complex” to be debated in public and they should be debated in private because “you need to understand issues like that.” Huh?

  2. Vaughan’s not a “Miller backer”? Maybe you should look at the recorded votes. More than 90% of the time he votes with Miller. Vaughan’s “independent” facade is becoming a farce.

    But I agree that that quote by Pantalone is a scary one. Maybe the contracts for waste disposal need to be talked about behind closed doors but the public policy issues need to be a very open and inclusive process.

  3. Regarding Pantalone’s comment about certain issues being “too complex” to be debated in public, this really does smack of the arrogant, patriarchal “daddy knows best” style of political manouvring that Miller was supposed to be taking a stand against when he was “swept” into the Mayor’s office. As for all those bright lights on the Mayor’s “blue ribbon” panel that seemed to be advocating for stronger Mayoral powers, why is anyone looking to these individuals as having anything particularly relevant to say about the running of supposedly democratic institutions when most of them seem to be involved in organizations that are strictly top-down?