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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

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  1. Scott>you are very astute,something the public isn’t quite aware off.Public input seems to have very little effect on projects that the public never asked for in the first place.

    Our so called planning department has become a condo developers dream come true!

  2. But its not the fault of the planning deptartment, per se. THey have had their staff reduced by 75% since almalgamation and other city planing departments pay well and offer little hassle from residents.

    What TO has to do is try to improve the planning process, something ADam Vaughan seems hell bent on fixing, and getting council to increase Planning’s budget. If you do that, the City can start to spend time on planning rather than processing development apps.

  3. Shelley Carroll spoke to the 12 new planners added in the 2008 operating budget when I interviewed her. She doesn’t think it’s enough and she noted that it’s one of the most important places to invest so I think we’ll continue to see more of it under her watch.

  4. doesn’t matter much anyway considering most of the major projects have been approved and with the new hotel being built on the exhibition grounds the rest of the projects will be dealt with after the 2010 election.

    Adam Vaughan can only do so much and being a rookie it will take him another year to actually understand what is really going on at city hall.I’m really interested how he handles the portland home depot project now that there is a new space so close by.Dukes may be in financial trouble and its hard to say if the other owners will rebuild.Lets see if the developers get in there and “throw in” another condominium.