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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. On Barton Myers and Frank Gehry: I am one of many Grange residents who are not enthusiastic about either Barton Myers or Frank Gehry’s re-modelling of the Art Gallery of Ontario.

    Barton Myers managed to make John Parkin’s concrete look elegant. Claims of course are that the building wasn’t finished.

    And of course, one can’t see the Gehry Building because it is totally out of scale for the site – so if you close your eyes you might be able to imagine how it looks.

    It continues to be regrettable that Mr. Thomson did not provide enough money to locate his collection in a spectacular building on the waterfront.

  2. As someone who has been inside the AGO under construction, it is evident that although the building’s renovated exterior leaves something to be desired, the interior is magic. Imagine a museum that actually considers the art it houses (installation needs, lighting, etc.)! I think viewing work in the new AGO will be a real treat. There will always be detractors (I too was cynical at first). Unlike the ROM though, this is not a catastrophe in the making. The building will work.