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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Metrolinx releases long-term GTA transit plans

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Metrolinx has released its report on transit funding in the GTA region. The Star has a good article outlining the plans:

A $50 billion plan to build new rail, busways, streetcars and cycling amenities will double the number of Toronto-area transit trips in 25 years.

The plan, released today by Metrolinx, includes no recommendations for road tolls or other taxes to pay for the transit improvements that are being called the most ambitions of our life time.

The experience of the other cities shows it is best to offer transportation alternatives before asking people to pay new fees, Metrolix chair Rob MacIsaac said.

Most of the proposals for improvement to GO Transit, TTC, and regional services were contained within Ontario Government MoveOntario2020 plan announced last year. But the regional connections have been refined, he said.

When implemented in 25 years, 75 per cent of Toronto area residents would live within two kilometres of a dedicated transit line.

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photo by Kevin Steele
