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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing t-shirts for sale at anniversary party


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If you’ve been indecisive about whether or not to come to Spacing’s anniversary party Wednesday night, maybe the following bits of information may help you make that final decision.

1. Spacing is now selling t-shirts. The design is a knock-out icon of a TTC streetcar on both red and heather black, as seen in the photo above (that’s Spacing intern Megan Hall and workplace neighbour Christopher Appleton).  We’ll be selling them at our party for $20. You can send this link to your friends if you think they’ll like the design. We’ll have a store lined-up to sell the shirts by next week.
2. We’ll be selling our annual gift packs for $20: three issues of Spacing from 2008 with three Toronto postcards (via Ballenford Books TO Posts series), all wrapped in a TTC route map.

3. Fort Apparel designed some great Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver-inspired t-shirts (as seen above). They are featured in our new issue and will be on sale at our party.

4. If you buy a back issue, subscription, or gift subscription at our party, you’ll receive a free t-shirt from Metronauts (a local blog focused on GTA transit issues).

5. You’ll be able to buy a subscription or gift subscription to Spacing at a discounted rate of $25 (tax included).



  1. Careful, you wouldn’t want to annoy the TTC by selling something that makes it seem in any way cool or stylish.

  2. I’m sorry, but i just don’t dig this design(*the streetcar one, not the 416)

    Nontheless, i’m a fan of this mag. and congratualtions on your anniversary!

    *By the way, are there be any future design contests coming up the pipe line here at Spacing?

  3. Yeah, the streetcar design is too subtle. I am a lifelong Toronto enthusiast, transit supporter and consider myself to be very observant about little nuances in our urban landscape…but this design completely escaped me. If you hadn’t told me, I’d think it was some sort of desk lamp.

    Too bad, because I’ve been searching for a shirt that represents my hometown (especially since I no longer live here) the way that shirts from Brooklyn industries (NY, of course) and Tres Normale (Montreal) do.

    The Fort Apparel shirts are just ‘okay’.

  4. I was wearing the shirt in NYC last week and a few people pointed at it and said “Toronto street car” — so it’s probably right on the good border between abstract and representational.

  5. I like it. It reminds me of streetcars emerging from the Spadina tunnel.

    “Too subtle” is a complaint I can stand hearing more often these days.