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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Gift Guide: T-shirts from the 416, 514 and 604

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As some of you have read in our current issue, we have a new feature called Public Goods where we feature Toronto- and urban-inspired products. A few readers have emailed us to provide us with product info for the next issue but this is where you come in: if you know of items that we need to check out, send us links. If you’re a fashion designer (or know one) who makes Toronto-inspired t-shirts, clothing, or accessories, please let us know (or be really smart and send us your stuff — that’s what the subway wall decal people did). We’re also open to seeing other products inspired by other cities.

MAIL: Spacing, 215 Spadina Ave. Suite 412, Toronto ON, M5T 2C7

One of the featured items in this issue was Fort Apparel‘s 416, 514 and 604 t-shirts. We love the idea of using a city’s skyline and area code to make a cool design. The 416 shirts were a big hit at our release party in December with Mayor David Miller walking off with a handful of sizes to give out as Christmas gifts. Fort Apparel’s current crop of designs need to be cleared out to make room for their upcoming spring designs, so maybe grab one with that $50 grandma and grandpa gave you over the holidays.

photo by Yvonne Bambrick
