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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Thursday’s headlines

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Cities call for funding of projects [ Toronto Star ]
Battle brews over ‘shovel ready’ projects [ Globe & Mail ]
In the works for Toronto [ Toronto Sun ]

GO trades blames as freezing commuters fume [ Globe & Mail ]
TTC e-mail alerts tell passengers about stoppages and
[ National Post ]
Ontario readies for electric cars [ Globe & Mail ]
Let city idle no more [ Toronto Star ]
No kids on bikes? [ Globe & Mail ]

New models for how things may get done [ National Post ]
How much lead is too much lead? [ National Post ]
Iconic Toronto bookstore Pages gets reprieve from landlord [ ]


  1. The FCM list of “shovel ready” projects (printed in the Star, maybe not online) includes two similar sounding projects:

    “Replace and expand the LRT vehicles – 204 vehicles” – $368M

    “Replacement of existing streetcar fleet with new light rail vehicles” – $656M

    I assume one of those is supposed to refer to streetcar replacement and the other to new LRT vehicles for Transit City, but they both sound like streetcar replacement from the descriptions (but with different costs).

  2. Let’s cross our fingers for what’s to come from today’s Mayor’s at Ottawa meetings.

    We desperately need Transit City to move forward, aswell as newer social housing.

  3. Brent – The $368M is one-third of the cost being asked for 204 LRV replacement cars, subway replacement cars, and new SRT cars over 5 years.

    The $656M is the gross cost over 5 years for LRVs only.

    Brad Ross
    Director – Corporate Communications

  4. TTC e-mail alerts tell passengers about stoppages and
    delays – What use is this when we can’t check email on trains (unlike in some other world cities where cell phones actually work in the subway)?

    I’d rather that they first give me some confidence by announcing disruptions when there is one going on. It’s very hard to have confidence in this new system when I have never seen them being serious about announcing disruptions.

  5. They announce them over and over, you just can’t hear them.