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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Whats this issue with Pickering needing an airport?? Does this not sound ridiculous? Why not build better(more modern) rail links between cities? No?

  2. In case anyone didn’t notice this about the Pearson-Union link in today’s Globe

    Shovel in ground before end of year and Metrolinx says link will be “privately financed and operated”. And we all know that privately financed means it will end being the most costly option for tax payers. Can’t help thinking they’ve picked the option that will do the least amount of good given the transit challenges in the region and for the “TOTAL” potential ridership (not just those able to pay about $20/one way) to this destination. Just what our transit infrastructure needs — further balkanization!

  3. I’m still fazed by the opposition to wind turbines. All the arguments ring hollow and just reinforce the bad side of NIMBY-ism. NIMBY is fine when the point your making has legs, but when its about home values decreasing cuz turbines are nearby or that they’re ugly (yet metal 19th century-designed hydro towers flourish throughout the region), I’m left scratching my head.

  4. Mathew, I’m not saying these people have good reason for their opposition (though I’m not sure either that this is the best place for these turbines based on reports other than Toronto Hydro), but why exactly is it so strange for people to be concerned about their property values?