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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. For most of New York’s urban decline in the 20th century, the subways were patrolled by Transit Police who were fully separate from the NYPD. For an example of the dedication and quality of that force, go watch the original “The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3”.

    Giuliani integrated the transit cops into the regular NYPD in 1995 and crime on the subway has been dropping ever since.

    Thugs are territorial animals, and you have to control them with fear and authority just as they do to control their victims. Real cops are a necessity in any big city transit system, and the time has come for TPS to start treating the TTC like their own turf. Good move.

  2. We use “Pelham” as a training video. (Not really.) I need to see this again. Wonder where I can pick up a copy. Any suggestions?

  3. Tvo repeated pelham in the summer so it probably won’t be on SNAM again. But it was a really clean widescreen copy (as is the trailer above) so it seems to be a recent rerelease. Try the good shops, Suspect, Queen Vid, Black Dog.

    If rogers on demand was any good, we could just pull it up – but video stores have nothing to fear as long as rogers keeps the poor selection.

  4. Thanks Shawn. You’re too right re: ROD.

  5. “Etobicoke would get $1-million to resurface the track and develop new throwing and jumping facilities at Centennial Park.” Is this proposed as a PanAm Games venue or a practice venue? Centennial Stadium sucks from a mass transit perspective.